Waiting in Nome for more cyclists to arrive
This is my second day in Nome waiting for more racers to arrive. The next 3 riders are Nome local Phil Hofstetter and Jay Cable and Kevin Breitenbach from Fairbanks. They have left Elim this morning and are on their way to Golovin. Troy Szcurkowski from Australia is crossing the sea ice between Shaktoolik and Koyuk. Co race director Kyle Durand, Toni Lund from Finland, Craig Bullen, Adam Erritzoe from Denmark are on their way to Shaktoolik.
Beat gave this report from the Kaltag portage today.
"The Thursday morning report from Beat Jegerlehner: He had a good rest in Kaltag and is now on the move over the portage, leaving the Yukon River to traverse a wide pass to the coast at Unalakleet. Trail conditions are still drifted and soft, but he's been moving well after good sleep in the Kaltag School, his first indoor space in three days. Peter is back on a mission, flying down the trail this morning. Beat knows he still has a long way to go, and is content to continue his well-practiced methods of travel. The photo is one of Beat's, blowing snow on the Kaltag Portage in 2013.