6 more racers expected to finish in Nome tonight
6 more racers, 4 bikers and 2 runners are on route to Nome today, traveling in a tight pack of 6.
We expect more finishers tonight in Nome.
Unfortunately Klaus decided to end his race in Unalakleet. He did send a message from Unalakleet this morning:
Dear Kathi, as my body has not recovered from the hard work from Iditarod to Kaltag, I was so unhappy with my performance on the stretch to Unalakleet that I decided to stop the race here! It is very sad but I do not feel safe stepping on the sea ice with no energy in spare. Despite that I do not and will not complain about anything, it is quite the opposite: I was surprised about far I could go but I made mistakes with my nutrition, lesson learned I guess!
I do not want to lose finger(s) and/or toes just because I push beyond my personal safety limits! Besides: Snowshoes suck: they are rubbing both of my shoe pairs so that little holes where moisture gets in during the day and in the night toes freeze!
However: I‘ll be back, another year another trail!! This one wa hard but golden, the end is sad for me but I had many hours to verify myself... If you do not feel that you get to Nome, you won‘t!!!