Tyson Flaharty from Fairbanks is the new leader this morning

Tyson Flaharty is the current leader, 12 miles from the halfway point in less than 24 hours from the start. Anchorage rider Clinton Hodges is only 4 miles behind and Jay Petervary from Idaho is 4 miles back from Clinton. Peter Basinger is in fourth place and had left the Winterlake CP this morning as well. Jay and Peter are longtime competitors in the ITI with wins and records. Clinton Hodges is on his fourth race to McGrath and has placed in the top 3 before, but never won.

The 2019 ITI took off yesterday at 2 PM under blue skies. Jay P and Clinton Hodges were in the lead last night into Yentna Station and Skwentna Roadhouse, the second check point. Tyson’s tracker battery was low and it has been replaced. He is tracking now. The tracker made a straight line after replacing the batteries, but he was on track. Dennis Staley’s tracker is also working again. David Barker Milner took a fall and hurt his shoulder. He got a ride back to Anchorage last night from a local biker. Thomas Keene seems to be heading back to Knik Lake as well. We will write an update on him when we find out why.

Racers have been making great progress on the Yentna River last night, passing through the first two check points. The temperature was -10 F last night on the Yentna River. Today’s forecast calls for temperatures in the 20’s under sunny blue skies. Co race director Kyle Durand is on the trail and he was leaving the Skwentna check point with our trail photographer.

I am heading out to Nikolai today to get the check point set up there with our trail crew and I will be in McGrath at the finish line starting Tuesday. There is only GCI cell phone coverage there, none in Nikolai.

My new number in McGrath is (907) 574-0425 for anyone that needs to reach me in case of an emergnecy.

Kathi Merchant

co race director

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