March 7 there are 12 athletes En route to Nome

Today there are 12 athletes making their way to Nome. Eric Johnson is not tracking. He possibly forgot to change his batteries in McGrath or did not turn the tracker back on.

Grant Maughn has new shoes and is on his way as well.

Donald Kane has pulled out of the race:

Current temperature in Anvik is 27 F. The leading bikers have reached the small village of Anvik on the Yukon River. In the lead are John Logar and Petr Ineman, both veterans of the 1000-mile race. This morning they are moving at 6-7 mph. With cooler temps at night, trails must have firmed up for them.

Aliy Zirkle is the leading musher into Iditarod in the sled dog race. She has not taken her mandatory 24-hour stop yet. Iditarod is the halfway point for mushers as well as human-powered athletes.

Beyond McGrath, there is a drop bag provided by the ITI organization that is flown out by a bush plane ahead of time. Then there are 3 small villages where racers resupply from village stores or retrieve packages they have mailed ahead to themselves as “general delivery.” There is a BNB in Shageluk and Grayling; otherwise, racers sleep in the schools along the way when there are no other lodging options.

The most desolate and longest uninhabited stretch of Yukon River awaits them after the stop in Grayling: over 100 miles on the big, wide and lonely Yukon River until they reach the community of Kaltag.

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