The “Finish Meal” at the Schneiderheinzes’ residence is an ITI race tradition.

After spending gruelling hours on the Trail, the warm hospitality of Peter and Tracy Schneiderheinze is a welcome respite for all athletes. Many are even said to go faster on the last mile just thinking about those legendary “mancakes”.

Peter and Tracy have hosted ITI racers in their home since the beginning of the race and their energy is as boundless today as it was back then. The happy Trail chatter that animates their lounge for hours seems to keep going on no matter the hour of the day.

While the ITI350 racers celebrate the end of the race with a beer from local brewery Denali Brewing, the ITI1000 athletes perk up with a fresh cup of coffee before for their long trip to Nome.

A warm home away from home for the exhausted racers and the social heart of McGrath during the race, there’s a constant flow of visitors dropping in to hear the latest ITI news or to report on Trail conditions further north.

A generous spread is always ready for new arrivals and Peter and Tracy have long stopped counting how many eggs they have cracked to prepare their hearty “mancakes” - the food order reveals that 500 eggs are needed to feed hungry athletes every season.

Thank you Peter and Tracy for your generous hospitality and for making the end of the ITI350 race extra special.

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