Kurt Refsnider, from Prescott, Arizona, arrived today at McGrath at 5.25pm, which makes him our winner in the bike category for the 350-mile ITI race, 2020 edition.
It is the first time an ITI rookie wins this distance by bike.
But don’t be fooled, if Kurt is an ITI rookie, he is no rookie at all. In fact, Kurt has over 20 years of mountain bike racing experience and has broken records notably in the Arizona Trail 750 and 300.
And just because it’s not enough for this overachiever, our 2020 ITI350 Bike Champion is also an ultra cyclist racer, a Nordic ski racer and an ultra runner.
When he is not busy training, Kurt, a professor of geology with a Ph.D. in geological sciences, is also an advocate for public lands and wild places.
Kurt has been riding with Tyson Flatherty and Clinton Hodges all the way.
The three men have displayed a great team spirit that has been inspiring to everyone and they certainly have kept everyone on their toes until the finish line.
Volunteers in Nikolai predicted a win by Kurt when noticing that he was definitely fuelling up with intention and stepping into a winning mindset when he left the checkpoint.
This tactic, along with a fierce attack 50 miles out clearly gave him the winning advantage.
Huge congratulations Kurt, we are honoured to call you our 2020 ITI350 Bike Champion.
Champion Kurt Refsnider at the Pre-Race Meeting.